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A Bit Of Fruity Goodness!

Ad Hoc News

A Bit Of Fruity Goodness!


Ad Hoc is proud to be working with Fruitful Office, a specialist provider of high quality fruit to offices, with a big focus on the environment! Fruitful Office provide fruit baskets to our London based office – and for each basket they provide us with, they plant a fruit tree!

London, 27 January


Ad Hoc is proud to be working with Fruitful Office, a specialist provider of high quality fruit to offices, with a big focus on the environment! Fruitful Office provide fruit baskets to our London based office – and for each basket they provide us with, they plant a fruit tree!

In 2020, Ad Hoc was responsible for the planting of 27 fruit trees – not bad considering the offices were closed and staff members were working from home for a good portion of 2020!

Fruitful Office is committed to improving the environmental impact of their service. The wicker basket they use to deliver us the fruit is 99% biodegradable (and they are working on the remaining 1%), no plastics are used, the paper lining is made from recycled paper and each week they collect the basket from last week to reuse it! On top of that, they operate an eco-friendly delivery route system that focuses on minimising the duplication of van routes.

Fruitful Office source approximately 60% of their fruit from the UK and Western Europe to support local farmers and minimise fuel emissions from long haul transportations, and they never buy air-freighted produce.

Fruitful Office is also committed to reducing waste. Each week, there is a certain amount of excess fruit, all of which are provided to charitable groups such as Battersea Zoo and less privileged nursery and primary schools. In fact, at the start of 2021, Ad Hoc did not require the normal delivery of fruit due to the new lockdown. The fruit originally designated for us was re-directed to NHS frontline workers and the Fareshare food distribution charity.

What a fantastic organisation, and Ad Hoc is proud to support them!

For more information on Fruitful Office, please visit


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